Vastu Dosha Report
Find out if your Building has any Vastu Dosha
In Vastu Dosha Report you will get to know if your building has any Dosha due to:
- Activities and objects outside your boundary wall like Temple, Electric poles, Statues, Drainage, Park, Road hits,Garbage dumpyard, Hospital, School,Cremation ground etc.
- Activities And Utilities inside your house like your Drawing room, your bedroom, your toilets, your Kitchen and the burner and mixer/ grinder lying in your kitchen, Store room, Puja place, Gym and gym equipments, Study room, study table etc.
- Interior design and Home Decor objects in your house like Wall colours and Wall arts, Paintings and the emotions in the paintings, soft furnishings like cushions etc.
- Marma and Devta Energy Fields in your house.
- Planets and stars of your horoscopes.
Get to know much more… like Vastu Dosha owing to your building Facing, Entrances of your house, placements of your refrigerators, cleaning equipments, and so on….
A 12 point Vatu Dosha Report is created based upon your to the Scale plan, your horoscope and your prakriti.
Following are the levels out of which one will be applicable in your house based upon the audits done in your house.
- Level 1: No Vastu Dosha, so no Vastu remedies required.
- Level 2: Minimal Vastu Dosha and can be removed with suggested remedies .
- Level 3: Average Vastu Dosha, these can be resolved with Advice level 1 suggestion.
- Level 4: Multiple Vastu Dosha, these can be resolved with Advice level 1 & 2 suggestions.
- Level 5: Many levels of Vastu Dosha are present at your home, these can be resolved with Advice level 1, 2, & 3 suggestions.
- Level 6: Very heavy Vastu Dosha are present at your home, no management can give you relief, so it is suggested to change this building.
The conclusion lets you know if there is any Vastu Dosha in your building, and if there is, in how many levels will it be rectified.
Once your Vastu Dosha Report is ready you can discuss the same in video conferencing.