MahaVastu Advanced Course
Learn to identify the natural traits along with Doshas of any land and practice DoorDarshan siddhi based on Yog Siddhis
Date & Time:
Course Fees:
Date: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Duration: 5 Nights, 6 Days Residential
New : ₹ 5,00,000 (Incl. GST)
Repeaters : ₹ 2,50,000 (Incl. GST)
New : MahaVastu Experts (Dec 2020 or June 2022 only). MahaVastu Experts before Dec 2020 (must have done Devta Course AND OAMRC / MahaJyotish)
Repeaters : Acharyas (Jan 2020, Feb 2021 only). Acharyas before Jan 2020 (must have done OAMRC / MahaJyotish)
KB’s Online Course Videos are in Hindi. MahaVastu Certified Trainers support in Hindi and English.
In this course you will learn
Developing intuition based on Yoga and Tantra Sutras
See the five elements and the aura of the Panchkosha body and Identify goods kept in a closed box through intuition.
Bhumi Dosha
Detect Bhumi dosha below the land surface and identify metals without seeing them in the practical sessions.
Bhu Nadi
Testing the Bhu Nadi with Kundalini Shakti, healing the chakras and identifying the five elements from the Bhu Nadi.
Energy Scanning
Scan the earth’s energy with the Dev antenna and check devta energy with hands.
Door Darshan Siddhi
Practical exercise of Doordarshan Siddhi and learn how to remove obstacles through Doordarshan Siddhi.
Being Acharaya
Imbibe the qualities of an Acharya for effective practice and Practices to be an effective Acharaya.
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MahaVastu Advanced Course
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