Vastu Dosha Report

Know about Vastu Dosha in your building.

  • 12 Points-based Audits report.
  • Attract Happiness, Health and Growth
  • 6 Levels of Vastu Dosha Report for your Home
12 Audits based conclusion shows Vastu Doshas in a Building.
(* Fees Payable minimum for 2000 SFT)


Attract Happiness, Health and Growth

Intuitive Acharya’s under guidance of Vastu Shastri Khushdeep Bansal advices for Home, Office, Factory and Commercial Projects.

You will be able to:

Cure Vastu Doshas

Advise simple yet effective MahaVastu Solutions to cure Vastu faults due to wrong placement of kitchen, toilet, bedroom and other essential home activities using 16 MahaVastu Techniques and attributes of 5 Elements.

Instill Positivity

Place important documents, safe, children’s study table, your working table and other important assets for the best results of your efforts and maintain a positive environment at home.

Apply MahaVastu Remedies

Select and apply appropriate MahaVastu Remedies for Money, Relationships, Studies, Career and holistic Growth.

Balance 5 Elements

Utilize Digital Shakti Chakra and balance 5 Element based Activities, Utilities and decor Objects (AUO) in 16 MahaVastu zones of your own home.


Learn Vastu Shastra and Vedic Astrology
Learn how to apply simple yet effective MahaVastu Remedies for Career, Health & Relationships.


Career . Health . Money . Relationship
Apply simple yet effective MahaVastu Remedies.

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